Monday Morning Coffee with Mark

Make No Mistake...knowing you are forgiven!

June 06, 2022 Mark Roberts Season 2 Episode 23
Make No Mistake...knowing you are forgiven!
Monday Morning Coffee with Mark
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Monday Morning Coffee with Mark
Make No Mistake...knowing you are forgiven!
Jun 06, 2022 Season 2 Episode 23
Mark Roberts

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Welcome to the Westside church’s special Monday Morning Coffee podcast with Mark Roberts. Mark is a disciple, a husband, father and grand dad, as well as a certified coffee geek, fan of CS Lewis’ writings and he loves his big red Jeep. He’s also the preacher for Westside church.

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Welcome to the Westside church’s special Monday Morning Coffee podcast with Mark Roberts. Mark is a disciple, a husband, father and grand dad, as well as a certified coffee geek, fan of CS Lewis’ writings and he loves his big red Jeep. He’s also the preacher for Westside church.

Speaker 1:

Hello, and welcome to the Westside churches special Monday Morning Coffee podcast on this podcast, our preacher Mark Roberts will help you get your week started right. With look back at yesterday's sermon so that we can think through it further and better work the applications into our daily lives. Mark will then look forward into this week's Bible reading so that we can know what to expect and watch for. And, he may have some extra bonus thoughts from time to time. So grab a cup of coffee as we start the week together on Monday Morning Coffee with Mark.

Speaker 2:

Good morning. Good morning. Welcome to the Monday morning coffee podcast for Monday, June the sixth. I'm mark. And I've got my Bible open a whole bunch of notes from both of yesterday's sermons. I have a Bible reading skid and I am at the bottom kind of concerned about this. Just a few drops left here of this first cup of coffee for the day. This podcast is really about getting some of that spiritual momentum that we built up yesterday and injecting it into the beginning of the work week. And we are doing that right now. This is all about what we talked about yesterday, but particularly the Bible reading that we're starting right today. So let's get started. Let's kick things off by thinking about the sermon I preached yesterday. No mistake knowing you are forgiven. This was, this is just a first principles piece to try to help people think through the plan of salvation and understand where they are in that and what they need to do so that they can be certain, they have been forgiven by the Lord. And I hope as we think about that a little bit further, that that will continue to build and to germinate confidence in you that you are forgiven, or it could be the kind of thing that you could share with somebody who maybe does not understand about new Testament principles of Christianity, or I'm not afraid to say it. If you haven't done these things in response to the gospel and the grace of God, that yes, you would obey the gospel and no that you are forgiven. I just covered a lot of ground yesterday, trying to do a lot of things with this sermon, making certain that people know the things that don't help, like having some feelings, there's a lot of reliance on that, or just showing up at west side. We, we get folks who do that. They're just there all the time. And since they're kind of in the company of the save, Hey, I must be like these people too. And then maybe in a surprising way, I always like to say something in a pulpit. Uh, I'm trying to get attention, make people think a little bit. So I'd like to say something maybe a little bit surprising. And so I just said, Hey, I'll tell you, what's not helping you here putting your finger on a passage. And the reason I am saying that of course, is because people put their finger on a single solitary passage. They don't develop context. They don't see what the entire word of God says. So maybe they're standing on John three 16 and saying, I believe so, I'm good to go and that's not gonna work. We need to take all of the word of God. So I'm moving from there. Then to survey the book of acts and the stories, several stories of conversions there that help us see everything that I need to do in response to what God has done. And then finished up by saying, there's a couple of ways that you can still foul that up. You can do part of what God says and not do all that God has said that would be incomplete obedience. Or this is an issue. Isn't it. Sometimes people decide I did some of this at some point in my life. And I'm, I'm just gonna count that it's, it's kind of like somebody who serves a lot of time in prison while they're waiting to go to trial and then they go to trial and then the judge says, okay, you're sentenced to five years, but it took you a year to get to this point. So you only have to do four more years cuz you've already done a year. So at some point in my life, I did a repenting kind of thing. Or at some point in my life, I did a confession kind of thing. And of course maybe the most prevalent illustration of that. At some point in my life, I've done some sort of something that would kinda look like a baptism thing. And I'm just gonna count that. I'm just gonna count that, but maybe the biggest point that I needed to make yesterday, and I really wanted to sit down on this is the idea that salvation is about what I do. It, it it's about me instead of making it about God. And this is a very, very difficult point for a preacher to develop when you are trying to get people to do something, but we need to do that with the right heart and with the right kind of motivations and with the right kind of understanding. And of course that's a big part of Galatians. And we talked about that in a nine o'clock hour and we're gonna do some daily reading Galatians this week. And a big part of Galatians is making salvation, contingent and dependent upon me. And that's a very fine line to walk sometimes. And that's a difficult balance to maintain sometimes particularly because there's not a lot that I need to say about God doing his part. We don't need to exhort the Lord. I don't need to shout at the Lord, come on, come on, get with it, get with it. That's that's never where this is. God's really good at having taken care of the things necessary so that we can be saved and continuing to take care of the things necessary so that we can be saved. I've never baptized anybody. And as they come up outta the water, I thought, Mmm, I wonder if the Lord really got that done today? Nope. God does his part. So you're always as a preacher way over on the human response side. But that response has to come out of a heart of love and gratitude in Thanksgiving and never, never where we are exalting ourselves and saying, look at me, I've punched my ticket to heaven based on what I am doing here. And I hope those ideas come through clearly. And that that is a workable tool that you can use to help others better understand what it is to make no mistake, know that you are forgiven. And even like I said, can help you think about that. I never, I never wanna make people question their salvation. Needlessly. The point of preaching is not to cause people to go home with a lot of doubts. The point of preaching the gospel is to bring people gospel certainty. But of course, if we are not where we ought to be, if we don't have the right understanding and if we're not doing what we should be doing, then the point of preaching is to bring people in line with the gospel. And I think those conversions and acts really help us see that one can respond to the gospel, that there is a place for what we need to do without losing the focus on what Jesus has done for us at the cross. Hope that will help you. And those thoughts, as I said, that comes into play heavily in Galatians. And we'll get to Galatians on Thursday in daily Bible reading. But first we need to say goodbye to the Corinthians and Paul's goodbye to the Corinthians begins in second Corinthians, chapter 12, which we're reading today. Let's talk about it. So it's Monday and we are reading today in second Corinthians, chapter 12 versus one to 10. And it is a very Monday, Monday for certain I am out of coffee. So I'm kind of concerned about where this podcast is going to go. And once again, my daily Eva operating schedule, which was here moments ago, as I was lining out all the things I need to cover in this podcast, it just disappeared. How can something that is bright pink wander off like that? Does anyone else have trouble keeping up with their daily Bible reading schedule? Sometimes I think I need to just have this tattooed on my hand in second Corinthians 12, then we are talking about difficulties that Paul is having. And that is not, that is not losing your daily Bible reading schedule or running out of coffee. It's really important here for us to connect back to Friday's reading. Where are we in Corinthians? And the answer to that is that Paul is still in this section where he's dealing with the false apostles or the super apostles as he will call them in chapter 12. Those who are attacking Paul, those who don't accept Paul, those who are undermining Paul. And to do that finally in chapter 11, beginning at about verse 16, Paul finally says, alright, alright, alright, those guys are so they're so braggy about their accomplishments and who they are. And they emphasize themselves so much. I, I can do that. I can do that Corinthians. Do you want some of that? I got some of that for you and Paul begins to list his resume. That's where this is St. Corinthians 12 is so famous because everybody's talking about what is Paul's thorn in the flesh. And we do not connect that to second Corinthians 11 or talk about why Paul would even discuss the thorn in the flesh. Why is Paul telling the Corinthians about this unbelievable circumstance in his life or that he prayed and didn't get what he wanted? What, what Paul, what are you doing here? What Paul is doing is capping the boasting section that he began in second Corinthians, chapter 11 and verse 16. And I'll just go ahead and tell you right now, we don't know what Paul's thorn in the flesh is. And I could share with you lots of speculation about that, what this scholar says or what this commentator says. We don't know. We do not know. Don't write that down for Q and a. We don't know, and there's not even a case that can be made for this alternative or for this idea or for this opinion, that somehow is stronger than another. And thus would have enough weight behind it to make you think. Well, okay. We don't know, but man, that's probably it. Nope, we don't know. So I'm moving on and not even gonna try to speculate about that. Let's just grab text and the text is that Paul says, if you want to talk about impressive accomplishments, I have had a vision. Now verse two, verse one and two, somebody's gonna ask, is this even Paul, because Paul says there, I know a man verse two, and it is absolutely Paul. Why would Paul be embarrassed to relate somebody else's vision? Furthermore, see how it helps to connect this in the context, relating someone else's vision doesn't fit the bill. Paul here is bragging. Bragging's not a great use of the term bragging there. I don't like that term, but, but you know what I'm saying? He is having to run out his spiritual accomplishments to match the super apostles and telling about somebody else's vision. Isn't gonna get you there. So Paul talks about this incredible vision that he has seen. And then he says that he has verse seven because of the incredible things that he has seen and been part of. We don't even get told what he has seen. We just get told what he has heard. He ends up with this thorn in the flesh and the point of the thorn then is it helps. Paul depend upon the Lord. My grace verse nine is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness. This passage is rich in meaning in so many ways. It says, for example, Matt prayer is not always answered the way that we would expect. And it shows that God's purposes in our lives are not for our luxury, comfort and convenience, but instead to draw us closer to him, and I think we probably don't give God enough credit for that, or don't realize God's greater purposes in our lives. I, I thinking some about back when I had bird dogs and, and you train bird dogs. And one of the things that you want to do is you wanna train your dog to be wholly dependent upon you and that you are his best friend and that you are helping him. And so when I had Dallas, uh, and I had him as a puppy, when I would come out to feed him, I would put his food in the plate and he could smell it and see it and so forth. And then I put it up where he couldn't get it and he would jump and, and try to get it. And he wanted to get it. And, and maybe in some ways that seems cruel as you're hearing this, but very shortly then I would pick him up and put him up on the table where he could get it. And the point of that was to help him see that he was dependent upon me and that I would help him and had good things for him. And that if he needed something, I would be the one to provide that. Now that's not a great illustration. My, my daughters say all of my sermon illustrations are either sports or dogs and I hope that's not entirely true. And it, and it's probably not a great illustration, but it says something here about, if we can see the importance of training a dog to be dependent upon its owner, how much more in our relationship with God are, are we needing the kind of training that helps us be dependent upon the Lord? So as you read this verse 10, for the sake of Christ, that I'm content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities for when I am weak, then I am strong. I think we need to just ask ourselves, am I really content with weaknesses and insults and hardships and persecutions and calamities? Or is that gonna cause me to shout at God and maybe even lose my faith in God? Or am I going to say whatever is coming my way, that's going to drive me closer to God and make me depend upon the Lord more. That's the question of our daily Bible reading today. Second Corinthians one to 10. We'll finish chapter 12 tomorrow on Tuesday. See you tomorrow. It is Tuesday and we are completing second Corinthians chapter 12, second Corinthians chapter 12 versus 11 to 21 is on the docket today. And this really is, this really is the end of this boasting business. And Paul sharpens, his point makes direct reference verse 11 to the super apostles, to the ESV translation of verse 11. He makes some references there in sarcasm, verse 13, for in what were you less favored than the rest of the churches, except that I myself did not burden you. That's a sarcastic reference to the fact that Paul did not take money from the Corinthians. And now some are saying he's not a real apostle, or he would have accepted money from us. He would've demanded money from us. And then somewhere in all of this, you start to wonder if people are charging that Paul made merchandise out of them, that he embezzled or stole money from them, doesn't make any difference. What Paul does. If he takes money, then that's under false pre pretenses. And he took advantage of us. If he doesn't take money, he should have taken money. If he was a real apostle, Paul just can't win. And so that you get that in verse 16, granting that I myself did not burden you. I was crafty. You say, and I got the better review by deceit. Then he references. Titus is coming to complete this business with the collection for the saints in Jerusalem. That's been such a big issue in second Corinthians. It's such a big issue in Paul's life. Probably we don't pay nearly enough attention to that. If you ask Paul for the milestone markers in his life, I think the collection for the saints would be a very big idea for him. Then verse 19, have you been thinking all along that we have been defending ourselves to you? What's Paul mean by that? It certainly sounds like Paul's defending himself. No. Paul does not want the Corinthians to think that somehow they sit in judgment of him that he is trying to win their approval. And if they do not approve of him, then he's not really in apostle. That is not the case at all. He needs them to be accepting of him. And remember, that's the big idea in second Corinthians, accept me as a true apostle, because I care about you somewhere in here. I'm trying to shorten some of that. That's an awful long, short summary. That's what that's supposed to be a concise summary of the message of second Corinthians. I think I may shorten that down at some point to something like I love you. Do you love me? And that may be a pretty good summary of second Corinthians. And Paul does say I'm coming versus 20 and 21. I am coming. I am going to get some things straightened out there in car. A how is that going to be? What's it gonna look like when I show up, is that gonna be good? There's gonna be rejoicing and celebration and we're gonna delight one another. Or am I gonna have to straighten some people out? Well, we'll think more about that in tomorrow's reading in second Corinthians chapter 13, see you tomorrow. Welcome to Wednesday today. We are reading second Corinthians 13 one to 14, but before we dive into that, let's hear from tonight's speaker in our summer series, the deadly dozen, the tools that Satan uses to destroy our faith tonight, Ryan King is coming to speak with us. Ryan, introduce yourself and tell us a little bit more about what you'll be speaking on.

Speaker 3:

Hello there. My name is Ryan King work with the central Mansfield church of Christ and Mansfield, Texas. And I am so excited to be able to join you all in this year's west side summer series on the dirty dozen. The topic that I've chosen is one that seems to be overlooked so often by mankind. Yet it is easily. One of the greatest thorns in our sides. I'm referring to the most adorable sin. The sin of sloth while sloth or laziness is perceived as something so simple and innocent it's really anything but sloth wants you to think it is small, adorable, easygoing, not a burden, but something to be embraced and welcomed in. But in reality is an extremely large and powerful force that will hold me down. It keep me from doing what I'm supposed to, to do and be a worker for the Lord. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be room in the kingdom for sloths. So please come in here, what to look out for and what we can do to not bear sloth, but to be able workers that are heavily fathers expecting.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, Ryan, I'm excited to hear your sermon tonight. Let's think through our daily Bible reading for today, that is going to be second Corinthians, the 13 chapter, the whole chapter, just gonna read these 14 verses and tidy up and say goodbye to Corinth. Couple of things here, we know verse one where Paul says, this is the third time I'm coming to you. That Paul is about to make another visit to Corinth. The difficulty here is in making sense of the timeline of Paul and which exactly, and when exactly he made those other visits, that could be a really prolonged discussion. Probably not gonna try to do that right now. I'm about to have that kind of discussion in Galatians tomorrow. So we'll just work with Paul's interest in the church in Corinth, and that he is so concerned that they do not take his careful and, and in some ways less than overwhelmingly powerful dynamic grandiose approach, like those super apostles do making it about themselves. He, Paul does not want them to mistake his careful approach with them for somehow being weak. Jesus. First four was crucified and weakness, and you might have looked at Jesus on the cross and thought he's helpless. And, uh, he's a bad man. And the Roman government is taking care of him and so forth. But of course, Jesus was not weak. He was actually strong on the cross. And then Paul says, maybe this is one of the most famous verses in Corinthians examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith. That's really not a Lord supper passage. I guess we could make some application to that. But Paul is saying that rather than examining him, they need to be looking inwardly at themselves. How often that is true, isn't it. We attack others when really we need to be focusing on our own set of problems. So then he's begins to wind up verse 11 and it's hard to miss what he says there about agree with one another or be of one mind, seems like those Corinthians really needed that admonition to unity. And I think sometimes brethren today could use a little bit more of that emphasis maybe as you complete that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the holy spirit be with you all verse 14, maybe you're wondering was this third visit that Paul makes the visit. He references in verse one was that successful. And the answer to that is it most certainly seems to be. Paul writes the epistle to the Romans from there in the winter OFD 56, 57. And he does not seem to be apprehensive at all. Paul seems to be in a really good place when he is writing that he plans to go on and preach in Spain, which seems to say that Paul is comfortable moving his base of operations far to the west because the Corinthian brethren have settled down and have made things right. And things are going to be right. So I'm gonna be optimistic about that. And I'm gonna say that this letter in Paul's personal presence, his visit there, that third visit is going to finally get it fixed. When I talked about reading second Corinthians, I talked about, can Paul get it done? If somebody asked me to fix the Corinthian brethren, I would maybe say, I'm not sure that can happen. I think, yeah, I think by the power of God, and by this inspired epistle, Paul gets that done. And I want to think good things of this congregation in Corinth, which we are now now saying good goodbye to see you tomorrow. We will say hello to the churches in Galatia. It is Thursday and we are turning to a new book of the new Testament. We are reading the letter of Paul to the churches of Galatia. In some ways it's always a delight to start a new book of the Bible. We've been in Corinthians for a long time reading first and second Corinthians. I'm ready to think about something else and maybe see some different kinds of problems in different sorts of people. And we certainly get that with the letters to the letter, singular to the churches, plural of Galatia, make sure I get all of that, right. There is a ton of background information that I could dump on. You do a data dump here, just start downloading stuff heavily into the podcast. I, I don't want to overwhelm you with a bunch of material that may not be that significant. And I think in some ways, sometimes we have a tendency to get down into the weeds and we can't see the forest for the trees. We need to be careful about some of that, but it is important to know some things about who we're addressing or who Paul is addressing here and what's going on. I think there is good evidence that this letter is written to the churches that Paul and Barnabas began in acts 13, 14, the first missionary journey. And that the issue that is happening here is with some Gentile brothers, Galatians chapter four eight, for example, Paul says formally, when you did not know God, you were enslaved to those who were by nature, not God's that clearly says the recipients of this letter are Gentiles, former pagans, who now are being enslaved by juing teachers. Those who follow behind Paul and who teach people, Hey, listen, Paul, didn't give you the whole gospel. He didn't tell you everything. You need to know. If you really wanna be a Christian, you have to become a Jew. First, you have to be circumcised. You have to keep the law of Moses, those things haven't been done away with what are you thinking? You Gentile brother, eating bacon over there. You better stop doing that. You have to be Jewish. And then you become a Christian. What they're doing is they're making Christianity a sec of Judaism. That's a huge issue in the new Testament. It just appears in a number of places in the new Testament. We have to think about that and work with that. Not because for you and me, that is an issue I've never known anybody who tried to make me into a Jew first and said, I wasn't really a Christian because I haven't conformed myself to the law. Moses, that's never the issue, but people still add things to the gospel today. Don't they? And I talked about that in the nine o'clock hours. Sunday would really urge you to listen to that lesson that will get you in good position to read the book of Galatians and to maximize what you are getting out of the book of Galatians. If I could give you any kind of background information here, I do think I should say a word or two about Paul's Jerusalem visits in acts. There are three visits recorded that Paul makes to Jerusalem in acts 9 26. He goes there for the first time and meets the church. Barnabas takes him under his wing, introduces him to the brethren. He is accepted in chapter 11 versus 27 to 30 Paul and Barnabas make another visit to Jerusalem carrying famine relief funds. Then in chapter 15, Paul appears as part of the famous Jerusalem conference where that whole issue is debated. Do you have to become Jewish to become a Christian? Now you go over to Galatians and we're gonna read Galatians about two visits that Paul makes to Jerusalem. So in Galatians one, and in verse 18, he says after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to visit SIFA and remained with him 15 days. And then in Galatians two verse one, after 14 years, I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas taking Titu along with me. So naturally we're trying to dovetail Galatians into acts, and we're trying to figure out where all of that fits and how all of that goes. And I should say this for a long time. I said the Galatians two, one visit is the acts 15 visit. That's the Jerusalem conference, the Galatians one 18 visit. After three years, I went up to Jerusalem. That seems pretty clearly to be the acts nine visit. So there's not a lot of controversy about that. It's the Galatians two reference. After 14 years, I went again to Jerusalem with Barnabas. When is that? Where is that? Is that acts 15? And for a long time, I thought, yes, that is acts 15, but I'm, I'm rethinking that. And I hope that's okay with you. It, it, it's gonna have to be okay with you because I am rethinking that if you're not rethinking things and studying things and thinking through things further, are you really growing? It just seems to me, the more I look at that and have read about that research that the Galatians two visit doesn't align with acts 15. For example, in, as we're reading through this, Paul starts the debate in Galatians two, but in act 15, the debate is ongoing and, and what's going on in Galatians two seems to be a private discussion with the pillars of the church, but acts 15. That's an open debate that's going on in public. And the tone of that is different. Paul calls, the Jewish Christians, false brethren in Galatians, where what Luke describes N act 15 is very much about brethren. We're all believers here. There's some mistaken believers, but everybody's everybody is a Christian here, not a faker, not some kind of false teacher and maybe most decisively in Galatians two, Paul doesn't mention the apostolic letter out of acts 15. You get a letter that settles the issue. Why is Paul still talking about it then in Galatians two? Why doesn't he just say you got that letter? Remember we wrote you a letter, just read the letter. So I'm, I'm rethinking that. I don't think the Galatians two visit is the visit that is referenced the famous Jerusalem conference of acts 15. I'm not doing that anymore. However, I do wish that I had positioned Galatians differently in our Bible reading schedule. I, I think there's some evidence and there's a lot of scholars that want Galatians to come after second Corinthians, which is why that's where it is in the reading schedule this year. But as I continue to think about that and, and work with that, and I tell you, I've had some queasiness about this since we printed the schedule in January, I have dreaded arriving in June and working through this and I've tried to make it work and we printed it that way. And it's totally on me. I'm the one that said, okay, Galatians comes after second Corinthians in the timeline that of Paul's life. And now, you know, I'm just not so sure of that. I'm just not so convinced of that. I think that I wish I had had us read Galatians after Thesalonians. It would be much earlier in the timeline then, but I am hoping that even where we're reading it now, and maybe as we read it now, coming after second grade, you can make a decision. Does it fit here? Is this where it is in Paul's development in Paul's thinking, is this where it is in the development of new Testament churches as they continue to grow and false teachers show up and begin to pervert the gospel? Does it fit better after second Corinthians? Or should we have read it earlier? Think about that. Let me know what you think about that, but kind of right now. Yeah, I wish I had had us read this a little bit sooner, but we're gonna read it now. And we are reading today in Galatians one. I'm not gonna go deeper in the weeds with any of that. We can talk further about some of that. If you want to talk further about that, let's get into the tax and think about Paul's purposes here, which is reject gospel. Plus teaching in teachers, walk in the spirit. That's what Paul is going to say in Galatians chapter one. And we are certainly going to get some of that even in Galatians, one, one to 10, because there is no happy start. I'm praying for you. I'm thankful for you. No, Paul is furious. And a great question to be asking here in our reading is what is Paul's emotional state. As you read this and wow, you're gonna get Paul's emotional state. When you read Galatians one versus one to 10, starting at about verse six, steam starts coming off the page. This is not about a minor issue. It is not about something that Paul can either take it or leave it. These people are buying. The Galatians are being sold, a perverted Dal. And that is our reading for today. Read through that. We'll talk more about it on Friday when we pick up Paul's train of thought in Galatians one 11, but for today, that'll stand that'll that that'll get you ready? Go read those first 10 verses and feel the fire. As Paul says, I cannot believe you have fallen for a false gospel. See, tomorrow it's Friday, we made it through the week. We're getting ready to roll into the weekend. Next week we have vacation Bible school, all kinds of great things are happening, but we just need to get through Friday before all of that starts up. Let's think a little bit about our Bible reading. We're finishing the first chapter of Galatians today, Galatians one 11 to 24. And I just cannot emphasize enough how important it is that we connect this auto biographical. That was not easy to say. Auto biographical material to the theme of Galatians. This is a great place where you can learn how to read the Bible better. We will go to Galatians, you'll see people going to Galatians one. And they just grab all this information about where Paul was and who he was with. And when this, and when that to construct a timeline of Paul's life, that's not completely inappropriate, but when you're reading Galatians, when you're studying Galatians, when you're thinking about Galatians, you don't want to know the facts of Paul's life so much, as you want to know what he's doing with this material. Why does Paul decide to do a little autobiography here? And the answer to that is he is saying something about his gospel. Paul is trying to help the Galatian churches understand that his gospel is real and authentic, and that it comes from Christ. You can hear in what we read today, someone on the other end is saying, Paul's not a real apostle, Hey, Paul, isn't even part of the original 12. So what he told you, mm, not so much, not so much. Listen to me, Paul, didn't tell you the stuff about being a Jew and that you need to keep the old law in all of those important details. He's just telling you what you want to hear. He cut the gospel to fit so that you Gentiles could find it a little more palatable. He's not the real deal. Think about that as you do your reading today, and it's gonna become very apparent what Paul is doing in some ways, verse 15, sounds like Jeremiah or Isaiah's call. That's kind of an old Testament prophet thing where the prophet is called by God and doesn't even really want the job. But all of this is to say where Paul is, theologically, who he is. And all of that says it's not because of where I grew up or because I was in a certain family or because I have certain influential friends or double underline this in your mind. Not because I went to Jerusalem and the apostles told me what to say, what to do and how to do that is not where I got my gospel from. After three years, verse 18, I went up to Jerusalem to visit SIFA and remained with him 15 days. That is the acts 9 26 visit. That's the first time that he's in Jerusalem and he's not there to get the gospel to be checked out by the big wigs in Jerusalem. No, I came there. I had already received the gospel, the gospel that I preached to you, Galatians, the gospel, which you are falling away from to a fake gospel Galatians, stop with the gospel plus business. Instead, you're going to need to walk in the spirit. That's where Paul's going with this. That's what Paul has for us today. That's Friday's reading Galatians one 11 to 24. Well, there you have it. That's this week's podcast. Thank you so much for listening. As I always say, if you love the Monday morning coffee podcast, we'd love for you to subscribe, follow rate or review, and especially tells someone else that they can listen to the show and they can be benefited and get extra benefit from what we did together on Sunday and what we are doing in our daily Bible reading. So until next time, may your coffee be delightful. I hope your Friday is wonderful and the Lord will be with you today. All day. I will see you on Monday with a cup of coffee.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for listening to the west side church of Christ podcast. Monday morning coffee with mark. For more information about west side, you can connect with us through our website, just and our Facebook page. Our music is from that's upbeat with two PS U PPP, B E a T, where creators can get free music. Please share our podcast with others. And we look forward to seeing you again with a company coffee, of course, on next Monday,

Sermon Notes
Monday 2nd Cor 12:1-10
Tuesday 2nd Cor 12:11-21
Wed Night Summer Series- Ryan King-Sloth
Wednesday 2nd Cor 13:1-14
Thursday Gal 1:1-10
Friday Gal 1:11-24