Monday Morning Coffee with Mark

5 Views of Mark 16:16

March 06, 2023 Mark Roberts Season 3 Episode 10
5 Views of Mark 16:16
Monday Morning Coffee with Mark
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Monday Morning Coffee with Mark
5 Views of Mark 16:16
Mar 06, 2023 Season 3 Episode 10
Mark Roberts

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Welcome to the Westside church’s special Monday Morning Coffee podcast with Mark Roberts. Mark is a disciple, a husband, father and grand dad, as well as a certified coffee geek, fan of CS Lewis’ writings and he loves his big red Jeep. He’s also the preacher for Westside church.

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Welcome to the Westside church’s special Monday Morning Coffee podcast with Mark Roberts. Mark is a disciple, a husband, father and grand dad, as well as a certified coffee geek, fan of CS Lewis’ writings and he loves his big red Jeep. He’s also the preacher for Westside church.

Speaker 1:

Hello, and welcome to the Westside churches special Monday Morning Coffee podcast on this podcast, our preacher Mark Roberts will help you get your week started right. With look back at yesterday's sermon so that we can think through it further and better work the applications into our daily lives. Mark will then look forward into this week's Bible reading so that we can know what to expect and watch for. And, he may have some extra bonus thoughts from time to time. So grab a cup of coffee as we start the week together on Monday Morning Coffee with Mark.

Speaker 3:

Good morning. Good morning. Welcome to the Monday Morning Coffee podcast for Monday, March the sixth. Can you believe it is already March? I am Mark. I've got sermon notes. I've got my Bible open to the book ofa. I've got my notes on the book of Jose and I'm ready to talk about daily Bible reading. I'm ready to talk about the sermon yesterday. I have coffee and it is time to get this podcast going. Let's get started. Yesterday in the sermon I talked about Mark the 16 chapter, verse 16. In fact, I just sat down in that verse and just worked on that verse for the entirety of the lesson. And that is the passage that says whoever believes in his baptize will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. I give you a couple of extra notes about that. First and foremost, I know people always wonder about the ending of Mark's gospel because the esv, for example, has a note after verse eight that says some of the earliest manuscripts do not include 16, nine to 20. It's set off in italics. It's set off in a marginal note depending upon your translation. And so there's always questions about this last part of Mark chapter 16. And you should know that if you try Mark 1616 with somebody who does not believe baptism is necessary to salvation, they are going to play that card in a really big hurry, which to me is very ironic. You have people who say, oh yes, I believe the Bible and I believe it's the inspired word of God. Oh yes. And then as soon as you find a passage that they don't like and that contradicts their Calvinism for example, all of a sudden, oh, I don't think that's part of the Bible. That's not really very good argumentation, is it? Let me just say this. If verses nine to 20 are not part of Mark's gospel, that means this gospel that is so much about the power of Christ and how amazing he is and that as a result people believe in Jesus. This is the gospel that drives people to make a decision about Jesus. Where would it end? Well, it would end in verse eight. They went out and fled from the tomb for trembling and astonishment had seized him and they said nothing to anyone for they were afraid. To me, one of the best arguments for the ending of Mark 16 to include verses nine to 20 is it's just unthinkable that it would end in verse eight, that gospel about faith and power and amazing Jesus and all that goes with that is not ending on the word afraid. That is not how that's gonna work. And so I think we do well to except verses nine to 20 and we ought to accept verses nine to 20. And we ought to see that these path, that these passages certainly include, verse 16 that says, if you wanna be saved, you need to do two things you need to believe and you need to be baptized. Now, having said all that, I have a little worry about the sermon yesterday and that is I'm afraid sometimes those sermons come across as an attempt to load you up with ammunition so that you can get in a, in a Bible firefight with somebody and you've got your gospel gun now loaded with big shells and you can can somehow win the argument. And I want to say to you, you can't argue people into the kingdom of God. Now, if Mark 16 was the only verse on salvation, maybe faith only advocates would have something. But when you start adding in one Peter 3 21, Galatians 3 27 Act 2216, and especially James 2 24, we ought to be able to help people see the necessity of baptism. We ought to help people be able to help people see and have to obey the gospel and and that part of obeying the gospel is absolutely being baptized in water for their mission of sins. And let's be candid, sometimes that is just a time thing. People haven't heard that before. They need time to process that. It goes against the grain of everything that they have been taught all their life. They're just gonna have to think about it. But sometimes, and this is especially true with people who have bought into the whole Calvinistic theology system, it's going to mean they have to make a decision to follow the scripture instead of what they've always believed and what they've always been taught. And you can't argue people past that. Folks are gonna have to make their own decision about that. You can help them see the truth and you can help them see what the Bible says. And as I tried yesterday, help them see what the Bible does not say, but I, I don't mean yesterday to load you up in such a way and you're gonna go out and convert the world because this is just absolutely so compelling that everybody's gonna run to the baptistry. You know better than that. And I know better than that. People do what they want to do and we have to help people want to do what's right even when it's costly and when people want to do what's right. There really won't be much argument about baptism because it's just so plainly apparent throughout the scriptures. Think about that, pray about that. And I do hope March, 1616 in the lesson that I preached about that yesterday will help you if you have a good opportunity with someone with a good and honest heart. Speaking of good and honest hearts don't seem like there's a whole lot of that in their daily reading these days. Let's talk about it. Let's talk about the book of Jose. It is Monday and today we read Jose the 13 chapter verses one to eight. This actually begins a new section ina and it does introduce some new terms, some new terminology, but it will repeat some things that we have seen throughout the book and in some ways I think is summarizing Israel or as it's put here in 13 one E Freedoms failure. And it is going to talk about the devastating effects of the judgment of God that comes, that will come upon these people. And there is lots here about guilt and the passage starts with guilt in verse one. And then if you look at verse 16, there it is again. Guilt is there. Samaria shall bear her. Wow, Samaria shall bear her guilt. Try saying that three times real fast. And that is kind of a bookend sort of thing, a beginning and end that holds that section together. And once again, when Efram smoke spoke verse one, there was trembling, he was exalted in Israel but he incurred guilt through bail and died he was exalted. You see that pride and arrogance that's going on, we've just seen that through the book of Isaiah and I said in last week's podcast, I had not seen that and given proper attention to that and it just seems like it's all over this book. And that really makes me think a lot in application about our pride that we can have about our country. There certainly are some great things about the United States of America, but wow, that could get outta hand, couldn't it? And and we need to think about our pride in our spiritual development or pride in the church that we're a part of pride. Pride is not helping anybody get closer to God. And we're just seeing that again and again in the book Ofa in verse two, there's a reference there in the E S V, those who offer human sacrifice, kiss the calves and the Hebrew there is very problematic. And not every translation will say human sacrifice. It does seem to say that those who are offering sacrifice kiss the calves. Maybe they're kissing the golden calf. And it could be. It's not like the ESV just made that up. Human sacrifice could be in view here, which is just utterly repugnant. I mean, what is God thinking when he sees that kind of nonsense going on? And so then you get the themes of the exodus again in verses four, five and six. And I think that reminds us of chapter 11 a little bit. And then strong judgment language. I will fall upon them like a lion, like a leopard verse seven, and like a bear robbed of her cubs. You know, every now and then they have a bad episode in Yellowstone National Park. And it comes because somebody sometimes intentionally because they're very, very foolish and sometimes it's just accidental. A hiker comes around the corner and the bear mama is on one side of the path and the bear cub has wandered over to the other side of the path cuz hey, nobody was there. And then this hiker comes, you know, zippity du doll right between them. And all of a sudden the hiker realizes I'm in between mom and her cubs. And that is never going to end well for the hiker bear, robbed of sir of cubs is serious business here I will tear open their breast and devour them like a lion as a wild beast would rip them open. I think you're hearing in Jose 13, the time is just getting shorter and shorter and shorter. The time of judgment is nearly here. We'll talk more about that tomorrow. On Tuesday we'll finish the 13 chapter of Jose, welcome to Tuesday. And we're reading Jose the 13 chapter versus nine to 16. And if you hear me crunching, it's because I'm working on a Trader Joe's cookie and that just goes with coffee in an incredible way and I'm loving it. So here we are in verse nine, Jose at 13 verse nine, he destroys you, a visual for you are against me, against your helper. And once again, there's some translation differences because the Hebrew here is difficult. Some have, I will destroy you because you are against your helper like the E S V, the SEP two agent, which is the Greek translation of the Old Testament done during the time between the testaments, between Malachi and Matthew is going to say, I will destroy you Israel and who will help you now. And so there are some different possibilities and how all of that works. But the theme is that God who has been their helper is going to now be their judge, is going to bring judgment and is going to bring judgment and destruction upon them. And then you get that false confidence and all that arrogance and pride in verses 10 and 11. Where's your king to save you? Where are your rulers of whom you said, give me a king and prince, is that a reference to first Samuel eight when they ask for a king, we don't need God, we can do it ourselves. We're just fine. Once again, pride and arrogance at the front and that means judgment is just inevitable. Verse 12, sin is kept in store. God does not overlook sin. He sees that sin, that sin has to be judged. And then you get labor pains. Verse 13, talk about metaphors. You just got all the metaphors and figure speech in question four that you could want in this reading today in the labor pains that says it's time for baby to come, but he is an unwise son and does not present himself. Baby won't come, baby is is being foolish. Here is the idea. And then we get to verse 14. Verse 14 is quite the passage, shall I ransom them from the power of shield? Shall I redeem them from death? Oea, where are your plagues? Oshe, where is your sting? Compassion is hidden from my eyes, of course, OSHE, OEA, where are your plagues? Oshe, where is your sting? Paul quotes that in first Corinthians, the 15th chapter. And the question here is how exactly to read what's being said. It's a difficult verse. It deals with the underworld and the state of the dead shield and death. Sometimes those terms reference those who die under the judgment of God. And then there's redeem and ransom language, which brings us back to the beginning of the book. When Jose uh, buys back Gomer, he redeems her and it could be translated, shall I redeem, shall I ransom? As the SV has question mark. And then where is death and sheel like a call for them to come and do their dirty work? I'm not gonna ransom, I'm not gonna redeem, I'm not gonna do that. And so death and sheel, come on, come and and bring judgment here. However, it can be God saying, I will rescue, I will ransom, I will redeem and then would be taunting death and shield. You can't do anything against my great power. Your power's not as great as mine. And so if it's a rescue verse, then maybe that plugs into the way that Paul uses it in first Corinthians 15. And maybe it does say something messianic. And that would come outta question 10. Does the prophet point to Jesus? Maybe in an unusual passage for Jose, he is pointing to Jesus here in saying that even though there's going to be this terrible judgment, the pains of childbirth, verse 13 come upon him, for he's an unwise son, ultimately there will be rescue. Ultimately there will be ransom that always makes us think of Jesus ultimately swig of coffee. Ultimately God is going to rescue his people. Think about that. Maybe there's a change in the tone of the book here that would say something about how the book has taken on a more positive connotation because God is talking about ransoming and redeeming in Jesus the Christ. Verse 15 brings the east wind up and that's a figure of speech for asy. So judgment is certainly still on the table. Samaria shall bear her guilt. Verse 16, because she has rebelled against God. Think about verse 14. One of the things I would suggest the most is that you read it from different translations. Wouldn't urge you to try to read that out of some sort of interlinear or any kind of original language work that's just gonna make a mess. Uh, we don't know enough to possibly begin to be making observations about original languages. Anytime I hear somebody say the word here really means I just wins. That's that's, that takes a high level of training and a high level level of experience and, and lots and lots of academic work to arrive at that place. But read it out of different translations, think about it in its context and see if, if you come out it being kind of positive and that it's looking forward to Jesus. Or maybe it is a rhetorical question as it's given here in the esv. And the answer is no, I'm not gonna rescue you. The time of judgment has come. Well, we'll think a little bit more about Jose tomorrow because on Wednesday we are finishing this book. See you tomorrow. Welcome to Wednesday. Get on that camel and ride the hump. It's hump day and on hump day this week we're reading Jose 14. Don't panic when you hear me say we're reading the whole chapter. It's just nine verses and it is an incredible end to this. Booka is not an easy read, there is no doubt about that. But I think if you have followed along with these readings and worked some questions, particularly the question, how does God feel, then maybe you have a better appreciation for the Lord from the book of Jose. It is an amazing book, isn't it? There's not anything quite like this in the whole Bible. God just bears his heart. And so, so here in chapter 14, there is a plea here for the people to repent. And what God wants to hear is given in verse two, take with you words and return to the Lord and say, so this is it. This is what God is desiring to hear from his people. This is what the people need to say to express true repentance. And then verses four to eight express Jehovah's response, because repentance opens the way to national healing and and to restoration. Then verse nine is a postscript about the wise reader about taking something from this and choosing correctly in learning. So you get this how to repent versus two and three and you address God and you ask for the, for the forgiveness of your sins. And you ask for him to accept what we're doing, which is good, a recognition that the people have not been doing what is right. And then particularly we will pay with bulls, the vows of our lips. We will make sacrifices to God and not to bail. We will trust in God not a Syria verse three. And we will say no more to God. We will say no more our God to the work of our hands. That's idolatry. The work of our hands. And look at the social justice in you. The orphan finds mercy. Haven't had a lot of that in the book of Jose. Amos is the book about social justice. So the question that we're working with here about what does this say about the week and and helping the week and justice and oppression. Question seven, wow, that's kind of been going one thing, but bam, here it is right at the end of the book of Jose and we're talking about doing that. Look at the love then that God has for them in verses four, five, and six. Restoration brings renewed fruitfulness and the metaphors here are just beautiful. They're just gonna spring forth, they're gonna grow. It's gonna be incredible. God calls to them again, put away your idols ohe from'em. I I don't want any part of idols. I'm I I I'm not doing that. I will not share my glory with another. God will say you in the book of is in the book of Isaiah. There's none of that. I'm the one that looks after you and you need to look to me. And then there is verse nine, the word of wisdom. Choose the right path. That is a very common theme in wisdom literature, choosing the right path. Fools choose wrongly, the righteous choose righteousness and they choose the Lord. That's the call in verse nine. What an incredible book. Thanks so much for reading Jose with me. Anytime I read Jose, it's always, oh wow, cover your eyes. And, and I know those of you with, you know, tiny humans. It's, it's tough reading all this stuff about hormone mongering and Harley tree and all of those businesses, all that kind of stuff. But by the time I get done with Jose, I'm always, I'm always just amazed at how much God loves us and, and how patient God is and how God just keeps trying to bring us to repentance. It is, it is just incredible. It is an amazing, amazing book. I praise God for the book of Isaiah. Thanks for reading it with me. Tomorrow we're gonna read a little bit of history and then yep, we're gonna take a trip. See you tomorrow. It is Thursday. And on Thursday we're gonna read in two places in the Old Testament. We're gonna read Second Kings chapter 14 verses 25 to 29. And we're reading that to make sure that we are firmly fixed in the historical timeline. This is the reign of j Baum. The second, it is the time of Amos and Isaiah and Micah and Isaiah. And it is also the time verse 25 of God's servant Jonah, the son of Amai, the prophet who is from Gath heifer. So reading that little bit of second Kings 14 then gets you ready to turn your Bible to the well-known book, the book of Jonah. Is there any of the prophets that is as famous as the book of Jonah Today? We read Jonah chapter one, the first six verses Let me, let me just say a word or two here as we get into Jonah, that this is, this is not your usual prophetic book. Everybody knows about Jonah and the whale. And yes, I will say something about whether he was swallowed by a whale. Stand by on that if you're panicking. But there's a whole lot more than the story of a great fish. This is a very different kind of book. All the other prophetic books focus on the message that is being preached. And lots of times we don't hardly know anything about the prophet. What do we know about Jose at not very much at all. Jonah of course is exactly the opposite. There's almost no record of the message that he preached. It's all about the prophet. And there usually is some focus in prophetic books about the prophet being righteous. And we should be like the prophet, be like him and he will lead you to God. But much of the book of Jonah could well be summarized by saying, don't be like this guy. Jonah is, he is a crusty, old, feisty, uh, sometimes I think Pharisee. Now this is well before the times of the Pharisees, but I he doesn't want people to be saved. I what, what can you say about somebody like that? Well, let me just say something about the book that bears his name. This is a very carefully crafted book. It is not just a hodgepodge of events all jumbled together. There are some key words. We'll try to note some of those that recur in the book to make sure that we're sticking to the main idea. For example, the word great appears 14 times in the book, the term for evil appears nine times. There's a theme about things that are down. You go down to Tarshish, you go down into the ship, there's a theme about going down like that. And so there's some things that, that, that work, uh, to hold our attention, make sure that we're focusing on the right things. And I should say this, the thing that we're focusing on is not really Jonah. Jonah is not the hero of the story by any stretch of the imagination. Like I said a moment ago, you could summarize Jonah by saying, don't be like this guy. But the hero of the story is God, God's incredible love. God cares for a nation that is horribly wicked. The Assyrians were terrible. The things they did to cities that they conquered would just make your skin crawl. They loved to torture and mutilate and harm people in the most ghastly kinds of fashion. Crucifixion, by the way, comes from an adaptation of some things that the Assyrians were doing, that that seems to be where that came from. So when, when you've kind of toned it down a little bit and you're crucifying people, does that tell you Yeah, the Assyrians are just bad news and they're not the covenant people of God. And the Lord sends them a preacher anyway. The Lord sends them a preacher. Anyway, God is the hero of the book of j of Jonah. God is the hero here. And I would say this, this is very important. Lots of people today want to dismiss this as Jewish fiction. It's a parable, it's an allegory. Cause everybody knows somebody can't be swallowed up by a fish. We just all know that that just can't possibly happen. Well, before you do that, you need to remember that Jesus references Jonah three times in the Gospels, twice in Matthew and once in Luke. And as soon as you start cutting Jonah outta your Bible, you are gonna have some trouble when you meet Jesus who's supposed to be the son of God and all knowing and all of that, and apparently he accepts Jonah as real. But since we've decided it's fiction, I guess Jesus was wrong about, whoa, whoa, whoa. See, see you. You don't want to go there. You don't want to go there. The Bible treats this as real and for all of the excitement about whether a fish can swallow a man and, and all the discussion about what size throat whales have and everything else, come on now. If God can create the universe by simply speaking in Genesis one is, is this a big issue here? Is, is this really a a, you know, God's gonna break a sweat making a submarine for uh, Jonah to come pick him up and and carry him to none of us. Come on now. Come on. If God can raise Jesus from the dead, is is making a whale making a great fish? Is that really, oh, God doesn't know how to do that. That's just, that's gonna be a big stuper in heaven. We, we don't wanna treat the Bible that way. We don't wanna treat the Bible that way. You try to rule the supernatural out of the Bible, you'll kill the Bible. You just kill it. Don't do that. Uh, there's every reason to accept the book of Jonah exactly the way it's written and that's how Jesus treated it. And that's how we ought to treat it. And that's indeed how we will treat it. So today we are reading in Jonah and we are reading the first six verses of chapter one. And this is the call of Jonah and the disobedience of Jonah. And it really sounds like verse one sounds like every important prophets commissioning ever. It's just exactly like what all these other prophets get. And he's supposed to go to Neva. Now Neva is the capital verse two. It it's the capital of the as Sirian empire. It is a tremendous city. The walls were about eight miles in circumference and just a big giant wicked city. It was a city that was feared. The Assyrians struck fear into people's hearts like Ingas Khan and his hge did years later. They were ruthless, they were hated. They were known, known for their cruelty. All the things that I'm talking about. This is a huge city, it's a feared city and it is a city that is gonna come under the judgment of God. And so there are some key terms here. So arise and go verse two. Notice verse six. The captain comes and says, arise and call out. So there's two arises there, but then there's the idea of going down in verse three and then the expression away from the president of the Lord. He goes down into the boat, he went, the SV has on board literally down into the boat, but the Lord hurled verse four, a great wind. So they hurl verse five, the cargo. Good job sv, maintaining that same word and they hurl the cargo. But then ultimately, guess what? Yeah, they're gonna have to hurl him into the sea. Verse 12. So some repe repetitive phrases there, repetitive words and terminology to hold this all together. Get it up verse six and call. Look at how similar a rise in call out to your God arise verse two and go call out against Neva. Ah, Jonah must have been rubbing his eyes and thinking, what is happening to me? That sounds exactly what sounds exactly like what God told me to do. And here it is in the mouth of a pagan telling me to get up and call upon God. What's gonna happen to Jonah in this terrible storm and all the things that go with that. And we'll see what happens when Jonah goes swimming. See you then. It is Friday and we are finishing the first chapter of the book of Jonah. And this is it. This is the place where the contrast are just so stark and so clear, all of which really drive home the point of the book of Jonah. And of course that has to do with God and his love for all people. And we're just gonna see some people here who are much better at just much better than Jonah, who is supposed to be this messenger of God and who knows about God and he's an Israelite and all of those kinds of things. Instead, he is arrogant and disobedient and difficult and we're going to see a bunch of pagans who are much better than he is. And that of course is going to set us up to say, you know what? There ought to be some pagans who are worthy of God's love and attention in salvation, which is the message Jonah, of course is supposed to be bringing to nuva. So we're in Jonah one and we are reading verses seven to 17 today. And they cast lots, verse seven, lots of lot casting in the Bible. I'm not certain that I want to advocate for that, but it is interesting how often God can use lot casting in the Bible to do his will. And they find of course that it is Jonah verse eight. Then they just fire a ton of questions at him, all of which are designed to find out what is the cause of this problem. We are all gonna die in this terrible storm. Why are we having all of these problems? And Jonas says verse nine, I am a Hebrew common way to refer to an Israelite outside the land of Israel. And I fear the Lord, the God of heaven who made the sea in the dry land. You see that? Who made the sea and the dry land? Jonah is saying, absolutely it's me. I'm the one at fault for these problems. My God can control the sea and the dry land. Unfortunately, he also says, I fear the Lord. Really you do. Then how come you're running away from God's call to go to Nineva? This really gives some insight into Jonah's mindset. He views himself as being a person who serves the Lord and he is not serving the Lord. How often do we run into that? Jonah, you do not fear the Lord. Maybe you should say, I used to, or I know I ought to, but he is not doing what's right. And these men then are exceedingly afraid. Jonah says, I fear the Lord and then they are afraid. But Jonah doesn't really fear the Lord. These people, however, these settlers on this boat are really trying to do the right thing. And so he says, you need to throw me over the ocean. You need to hurl me into the sea. Verse 12, we talked about that some yesterday, this idea of hurling. And they say, we're not gonna do that. Verse 13, we don't want to do that. They rode hard to get back to the land, but they could not. So these people are better than Jonah. Is there any question in anybody's mind that if one of these pagan sailors had been at fault for the storm, Jonah would've said, throw him in the ocean. Just get rid of that guy. And instead these pagan sailors refused to do to Jonah what must be done here. And so even Jonah's disobedience ends up bringing glory to God. They finally pick him up, verse 15 and hurled him into the sea. Even then they are calling out to the Lord. Verse 14. And so in verse 17, then the Lord appoints a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belling of fish three days in three nights. And we'll talk more in chapter two about that fish and the things that go with that because verse 17 really belongs with chapter two. But I'm so impressed with these pagan sailors because the way the story is structured, look what we look, how we end up and and what happens here as a result of Jonah's disobedience. We end up with pagan sailors who in verse five are crying out to idle gods. And by the end of the chapter, they are fearing Jehovah and they offer him sacrifices in verse 16. So God hurls a wind and a storm and the sailors hurl Jonah. And the storm comes to an end in verse 15. There's a lot of careful comparison and contrast here. And again, these sailors come off really good and Jonah really, really bad. And that is exactly what we're supposed to get out of that because we are seeing that it's not just Israelites who are disobedient or who deserve the mercy of God and who can be godly and who can think in a God directed fashion. These pagan sailors are doing a better job of that than Jonah is. And I, I can't, I can't conclude the podcast without saying there is obvious, obvious impact here for those of us who have grown up all of our lives in churches of Christ. And we have always been around the gospel and we have always been around New Testament Christianity. And it becomes very easy for us to become like Jonah and decide it's just us. And we're the only ones that God loves and and God doesn't care about anybody else and we're the only ones that would get it anyway. So what is even the point of talking to anybody else? I'm not going to Nuk and the book of Jonah rebukes that spirit in Jonah's life and it would rebuke that spirit in my life and in your life as well. This book is about God and about God loving everyone. And we must hold onto that. These pagan sailors show us that there can be people out there that God could reach if somebody would stop being Jonah and go talk to them about God in in our context about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Well, there you go. That's Friday's podcast. I appreciate so much. You listening. It's hard to stop reading, isn't it? What happens to this guy who goes swimming? We want to know more about the great fish and will start on Monday with Jonah in the belly of the whale. See you on Monday. Well, there you go. Thanks so much for listening to the podcast this week. If you load the Monday Morning Coffee podcast, we certainly would like for you to share it with others and don't forget to subscribe or follow, and we really need that rate and review thing that just helps so many people find the podcast and then that helps it be of help to them. So until next week, may your coffee be delightful. May your Friday be wonderful and may the Lord be with you today all day. I'll see you on Monday with a cup of coffee.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for listening to the Westside church of Christ podcast. Monday morning coffee with mark. For more information about west side, you can connect with us through our website, just and our Facebook page. Our music is from that's upbeat with two P'S UPP, B E A T, where creators can get free music. Please share our podcast with others. And we look forward to seeing you again with a company coffee, of course, on next Monday,

Sermon Notes
Monday Hosea 13:1-8
Tuesday Hosea 13:9-16
Wednesday Hosea 14
Thursday 2 Kin 14:25-29; Jonah 1:1-6
Friday Jonah 1:7-17